Keep AKL Active Have your say
There’s no denying the last few years have been challenging for Tāmaki Makaurau. Those challenges look set to continue with some tough choices highlighted in Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2023/2024.
Aktive believe play, active recreation and sport requires recognition and investment in this budget. We know this view will be shared by many of you which is why we’re facilitating this process and offering our support.
Consultation on Auckland Council’s Annual Budget is currently open, closing at 11.00pm on Tuesday 28 March 2023 – during this period, the public can have their say.
We need to ensure all Aucklanders regardless of age, ethnicity and ability level can participate in play, active recreation and sport in fit-for-purpose facilities and spaces to enable them to live active, healthy lives, with positive health, community and economic benefits. We believe that Auckland Council's Annual Budget proposal will impact on this.
Join us for a webinar
Join us for this Auckland Council Annual Budget 2023/2024 webinar to hear a summary of what’s relevant for our sector in this budget and what support we're providing to ensure we can have our say together as a sector:
Wednesday 8 March 6.30 pm - 7.00 pm
Click here to join the webinar
Please share this communication through your networks. We’d welcome attendance from local / club, regional and national organisations with an interest in play, recreation and sport in Tāmaki Makaurau.
What we know
Auckland Council is a major provider of our sports and recreation facilities – we greatly appreciate this support and investment. Without it, much of what happens in our sector wouldn’t be possible.
Auckland Council provides critical sector funding through the Sport and Recreation Facility Investment Fund, the Regional Facility Operating Fund and the Regional Sport and Recreation Grants Programme – let’s ensure this continues.
Sport and recreation connects people and communities, which is more important than ever given the challenges of COVID-19. All Aucklanders deserve opportunities to participate.
A lack of inclusion and underinvestment in play, active recreation and sport in Auckland, particularly around our spaces and facilities, will have a negative effect on Auckland, our communities and the economy.
It’s critical that investment meets growth. It’s essential that growth in population both at the urban fringe and in the existing urban area is matched by investment in sufficient new facilities to meet the current demand and the new demand that will be generated.
The sport sector has aligned and collaborated in planning and prioritisation. By ensuring new facilities are optimally designed and located we are playing our part in making sure every Auckland Council dollar is invested wisely for maximum return in benefits to the community.
How to have your say
If you’re a play, active recreation or sport focused organisation, it’s important you know that well prepared and widely supported public submissions make a difference.
Aktive will be providing a submission example that you can tailor accordingly. In the meantime, we’d encourage you to workshop your ideas with others, consider why they’re important, be positive and succinct, and encourage others to have their say too. Here are some other tips:
Be clear: clearly state your topic and concerns – headings and/or bullet points can help
Examples: provide evidence of a need that is quantified and verifiable
Benefits: outline the benefits to your area, sport, community
Community connection: make sure you emphasise how your thinking will benefit the wider community
Call to action: tell Council what decision you want them to make.
As an individual – whether you’re a coach, manager, administrator, parent or participant – pick something that’s relevant and important to you (it can be a single aspect). This is your opportunity to have your say.
Ways to have your say
Consultation is open until Tuesday 28 March 2023.
Matters which Council is considering that will impact our sector include:
Removal of funding for the Regional Recreation Facility Operating Grant
Removing funding for the Regional Sport and Recreation Programme Grant
A significant reduction in the discretionary operating budgets of Local Boards, including sources of community funding
Reduced hours of operation and possible closures of Council owned and run community facilities
Increased fees for bookable spaces in pool and leisure facilities
Changes to charges for leases and maintenance of Council owned but community leased buildings
There are a number of ways you can have your say:
Online: You can provide feedback using the Have your say on our Annual Budget 2023/2024.
Events: You can provide feedback at community events or sign-up for an online meeting here. If you need an interpreter and/or you would like to submit feedback in New Zealand Sign Language or in Te Reo Māori, please contact Council.
Social media: Comments made through these channels will also be considered feedback:
Instagram: Comments using and #akhaveyoursay
Facebook: Posts on, using #akhaveyoursay
Email: You can complete the AK Have Your Say feedback form and email it to
In person: You can complete the AK Have Your Say feedback form and drop it off at your local library or service centre
By post: You can complete the AK Have Your Say feedback form and send it freepost to:
AK Have Your Say
Auckland Council
Freepost Authority 182382
Private Bag 92 300
Auckland 1142
For further information about advocacy, you can also review the Sport and Recreation Advocacy Toolkit in the online Aktive resource hub.
#Keepaklactive – and have your say
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