
Aktive X Sport NZ Bank 1238 (1)

Coaches play an important role in sport and recreation, and coaching helps keep people actively involved in developing.

What’s more, coaches have a huge influence on those they work with. Along with parents, teachers and caregivers, they are particularly influential on young people.

Coach development is a core activity in an effective coaching system. Our programmes support you on your journey to unlocking your potential as a coach developer or coach so you can inspire and motivate others to change their lives through physical activity.

Marlins Square

Coach Development

Coach developers deliver coaching courses, facilitate learning, provide mentoring, complete coach observations and generally “coach the coaches.”

Delivered over two days, this training includes workshops, discussions, practical sessions, individual and group feedback and self-reflection opportunities. Following the initial course, you will be invited to attend extension modules and networking meetings for additional learning and skill development opportunities.

The two-day Auckland Regional Coach Developer Training course provides opportunities for learning and skill development, networking and opportunities to grow together. By the end of the Coach Developer Training course, participants will be facilitating fun, effective and inspirational development experiences for coaches within their own sports environments.

Coach Emerge

Are you ready to inspire, connect and empower others to create positive sporting experiences?

Coach Emerge will help you learn about the coaching process, experience fun sport activities and learn new techniques that will provide you with the foundation to run your own coaching sessions.

Ask questions, make contacts, listen, learn and share your own thoughts as you begin your journey as a coach.


Coach Evolve 

If you work in a club, school or the community, Coach Evolve is for you

This generic, values-based coach development programme is for active. You will explore the latest in teaching and learning, technology, stages of development and motivation through interactive workshops and forums.