Aktive Women in Governance Network event
Aktive’s latest Women in Governance Network event provided a unique opportunity to current and aspiring women in governance to learn from some of the strongest governors in our sector.
Held at Auckland’s Maritime Room, the event was attended by more than 30 women who heard from Shelley Katae and Michelle Tsui.
The duo shared their journey into governance, some of the challenges and obstacles they have faced, and the key lessons they’ve learned along the way.
Shelley is the Chief Executive Officer of Tāmaki Regeneration Company and a board member of Taupō Moana Ltd (Ngāti Tuwharetoa), the National Houora Coalition, an Advisory Committee Member of Counties Manukau Health and a Trustee of Aktive.
She shared her story of working hard to secure governance roles, encouraging others to “invest in your self-awareness, know yourself and your why.”
Shelley shared that governance roles offer a great opportunity to learn: “Use formal and informal systems to support your learning. Listen, ask questions, engage and read…Just give (a board role) a go, what have you got to lose?”
Michelle is a qualified actuary with over 25 years’ experience in the actuarial and investment consulting industry and has now embarked on a full-time governance career, mainly with a number of non-profit sector and Crown organisations. She is currently a trustee of CLM Community Sport and Foundation North, and a Director of Auckland Cricket.
She spoke on the importance of finding opportunities that align with experience and values: “I select roles based on alignment with my interests and my purpose. I ask myself where I can add value, where can I use my skills.”
Supporting other women around board tables was also important to Michelle: “Be allies to each other, support each other, encourage each other around the board table.”
Following the panel discussion, attendees took up the opportunity to connect with each other, meet new people and discuss the business of governance in sport together.
Jennah Wootten, Chief Executive, Aktive, says Aktive’s Women in Governance Network events are a great way to learn and make connections with others.
“The respective journeys, challenges, and insights Shelley and Michelle shared were invaluable. Their call for women to support one another reinforces why Aktive is committed to events like these. It was wonderful to once again see such a diverse group of women embracing attending, learning and networking with the intention of not just strengthening self but strengthening the communities and organisations we all care about.”
For more information and to find out about joining the Women in Governance Network email charlotte.guscott-gregory@aktive.org.nz