Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa (Tū Manawa) is an activation fund that supports tamariki (5-11 years) and rangatahi (12-18 years), particularly those who are less active, to access quality play, active recreation, or sport opportunities of their choice in their community or school and kura. 


Supporting Physical Activity

A wide range of organisations that provide physical activity opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi are encouraged to apply, particularly those supporting the following target groups that are known to be less active: 

  • Young women and girls (5-18 years) 
  • Disabled tamariki and rangatahi (5-18 years and including those in schools up to the age of 21). 

We also welcome applications supporting less active participants outside of these target groups. 

Aktive and our System Build Partners (CLM Community Sport, Harbour Sport, Sport Auckland and Sport Waitākere) are proud to be managing Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa on behalf of Sport New Zealand in Tāmaki Makaurau. 

Who Should I Apply To? 

  • Aktive (Auckland Wide) is responsible for projects that are delivered in more than one of the below regions 
  • CLM Community Sport (South) is responsible for projects delivered only in Counties Manukau (excluding Howick – Pakuranga) 
  • Harbour Sport (North) is responsible for projects delivered only in the North Harbour area 
  • Sport Auckland (Central/East) is responsible for projects delivered only in central Auckland and the Howick community 
  • Sport Waitākere (West) is responsible for projects delivered only in West Auckland. 

Here to Help

We recommend you get in touch with our team before submitting an application so that we can help to ensure that your application is aligned.  

If you have any questions or for regional enquiries, please email funding@aktive.org.nz or call Hazel Latoa, Aktive on  027 250 2498. 

For more information to assist with your application, check out our Sector Support toolkits. 

For local enquiries, please contact:   

CLM Community Sport – (South)  tumanawa@clmnz.co.nz 

Harbour Sport – (North) TuManawa@harboursport.co.nz 

Sport Auckland – (Central/East) tumanawa@sportauckland.co.nz 

Sport Waitākere – (West) funding@sportwaitakere.nz 

How Much Can I Apply For?


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Fast Fund applications: up to a maximum of $10,000 

Regional and Local Fund applications: over $10,000 and up to a maximum of $50,000 

Applications must be for a programme or project for up to a maximum of 12 months (i.e. you cannot apply for costs past a 12-month delivery period). This is based on the start date identified in the application.  

Multi-Year Funding

  • Multi-year funding is available up to 30 June 2025 
  • Applications for multi-year funding will be reviewed using the same assessment criteria as single-year funding 
  • If an application is not approved for multi-year funding it may be approved for single year 
  • Applications for Fast Fund are not eligible for multi-year funding
  • Applications must include a budget that outlines the cost for two-years of delivery 
  • Applications are for a maximum of two-years (24-months) from the start date identified in the application. 

Funding Dates

Open until all funds have been exhausted for each part of the region. 

Fast Fund will close 30 November 2024 to 1 February 2025 for the holiday period.  


Round One 2024/2025 Local and Regional Fund  

  •  Closed 

Round Two 2024/2025 Local and Regional Fund  

  • Opens: Monday 1 March 2025 at 08.00am 
  • Closes: Monday 31 March 2025 at 11.59pm 

What is the assessment process?

Fast Fund applications 

  • Fast Fund decisions are made via an internal panel consisting of staff members who assess all applications. 
  • Decisions are made within four weeks of receiving the application. 


Local and Regional Fund applications 

  • Local and Regional Fund decisions are made via an independent Advisory Group consisting of community members who assess all applications. Advisory Group recommendations are finalised by each organisation’s Board. 
  • Decisions are made within eight weeks of receiving the application. 

What can be funded?  

This is an activation  fund that is intended to address barriers that tamariki and rangatahi face in accessing quality physical activity opportunities. A clear idea of what those barriers are, along with evidence that you have ensured your initiative is wanted and needed by participants, must be included in your application. 

This includes costs of (among others): 

  • project or programme delivery (for example, venue or equipment hire, transport to event) 
  • equipment (only when it is needed as part of a project, activation, or programme) 
  • officials and coaches, where these are required for delivery of the programme 
  • staff that will deliver the programme, where they are not already funded from other sources. 

What can't be funded?  

The fund does not cover: 

  • delivery in curriculum time (with an external provider) that is not accompanied by a 'School/Kura setting' form 
  • costs of retrospective programmes or events 
  • costs associated with representative teams  
  • capital infrastructure (i.e., facility development, or playgrounds) 
  • administration and on-going costs (i.e., rent, internet, or power) 
  • wages or annual salaries of existing funded staff or staff who are not involved in the planning or delivery of the project or programme 
  • funding can’t be used in a school setting to provide an FTE or equivalent that are akin to Healthy Active Learning Advisor/Community Activator and Sport Coordinator/PE roles
  • medals, prizes, giveaways, and spot prizes 
  • Water Skills for Life lessons, or transport for Water Skills for Life lessons and swimming lessons (as part of in curriculum time delivery) 
  • School camps that are part of normal curriculum activity 
  • School Sports Administrator/Coordinator roles 
  • Bikes in Schools applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Expressions of Interest

If you would like to find out if your project idea is suitable for Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa, we invite you to complete an expression of interest. 

This requires you to answer a couple of questions and summarise what your project/activity is about, who will be involved and how much you are seeking from the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund.  

We will provide feedback on what you have submitted and an indication of further work that may be required before a full application should be forwarded for consideration. Please be aware that support for your application or an acknowledgement that your application is ready to progress, is no guarantee that your application will be approved.  

Apply for Funding

To apply for funding, you must first complete a registration form. 

After completing the registration form, you will receive an email with the unique application link for your organisation. 

When applying, ensure that you clear your cache (history), you are using Google Chrome to complete the application, and you know if you are applying to the Fast or Local/Regional Fund. Your draft application will autosave for up to 20 days.