Good Sports

Good Sports is all about creating positive sporting experiences for children and young people.

Shaping Youth Sport

Both practitioners and researchers supporting Good Sports agree that many issues in youth sport stem from adult involvement. These issues include poor side-line behaviour, overuse injury, burnout and disaffection with sport - and they can hinder success on and off the field. 


To address these issues and give children and young people the best chance of developing a lifelong love of sport, Good Sports focuses on raising adults’ awareness about their behaviours in youth sport and, if necessary, promoting a positive shift in that behaviour. 


Good Sports Course


Next course: Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 May 9.30am-4pm, AUT Millennium


This course is designed for Sport leads and workforce who are working with key adult influencers (administrators, coaches, officials, parents and whānau) to enable them to help provide quality sport opportunities and experiences for young people.


By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the refreshed Balance is Better philosophy and Sport Pathways Framework
  2. Explain the key components that underpin the Good Sports spine – Self Determination Theory, Growth Mindset and Cotes Developmental Model of Sports Participation
  3. Interpret and apply the Transformative Learning approach and change process
  4. Demonstrate how to engage with parents and identify leverage points in the system (including the connection to competitions)
  5. Develop an Action Plan to implement Good Sports as a key initiative for ensuring positive sporting experiences.


If you are interested or have staff/workforce you wish to attend, please complete the Expression of Interest form below. Please note places are limited to 20.

Good Sports Champion Workshop 


Next course: to be confirmed. Contact us to be kept up to date when dates are released.  

This half-day workshop will take you through developing Good Sports Champions: key advocates in your community who help to support positive change. 


Good Sports Parent Engagement Workshop 


Next course: to be confirmed. Contact us to be kept up to date when dates are released.  

This half-day workshop is designed to enable you to engage with a wide range of parents. Parents are key influencers in the sports experiences of young people and have a vital role to play.