Coach Development 

Coach development is a core activity in an effective coaching system. Coach developers deliver coaching courses, facilitate learning, provide mentoring, complete coach observations and generally “coach the coaches.”


Our programmes support you on your journey to unlocking your potential as a coach developer or coach so you can inspire and motivate others to change their lives through physical activity. 

Coach Developer Network - Coach Developers in the club setting

Next course: Monday 10 March 10am-11.45am, Michaels Ave Community Centre, Ellerslie

This workshop is targeted at Sport leads, workforce and coach developers who are working with coaches. Representatives from New Zealand Cricket, Auckland Cricket and Counties Manukau Cricket will be sharing how they have embedded Coach Developers into the club setting.


If you are interested or have staff/workforce you wish to attend, please email


Coach Developer Training Course

Next course: Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March 9.30am-4.30pm, AUT Millennium

This course is targeted at Sport leads and workforce who are working with coaches.


The Coach Developer Course is all about how to ‘coach the coaches’. It aims to give coach developers the latest knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to deliver and facilitate learning environments to support the development of coaches in their respective sports and environments. The cross code generic content provides a great platform for future collaboration and networking opportunities.


By the end of the of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the role of a coach developer in relation to coaches and athletes  
  2. Identify the context in which a coach developer operates 
  3. Describe how to create fun, effective and inspirational development environments  
  4. Demonstrate and apply the skills of workshop facilitation (questioning, listening and giving feedback) and reflection 
  5. Demonstrate and apply the concepts of workshop design
  6. Recognise areas of strength and plan strategies for ongoing personal development  


Participants take part in a mixture of workshops, discussions, practical delivery sessions, individual and group feedback and opportunities for self-reflection.


If you are interested or have staff/workforce you wish to attend, please complete the Expression of Interest form below. Please note that places are limited to 20.

Coach Emerge

Are you ready to inspire, connect and empower others to create positive sporting experiences? 

Coach Emerge will help you learn about the coaching process, experience fun sport activities and learn new techniques that will provide you with the foundation to run your own coaching sessions. 

Ask questions, make contacts, listen, learn and share your own thoughts as you begin your journey as a coach. 


Next course: to be confirmed. Email to be kept up to date when dates are released.  

Coach Evolve

If you work in a club, school or the community, Coach Evolve is for you. 

This generic, values-based coach development programme is for active coaches. You will explore the latest in teaching and learning, technology, stages of development and motivation through interactive workshops and forums. 


Next course: to be confirmed. Email to be kept up to date when dates are released.